The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878


Please be aware that you and your parish are vulnerable to many dishonest financial schemes being set up by opportunistic companies and ‘crowd-funding’. In increasingly financially-straitened circumstances the question is still being asked: ‘How do I support my Parish during this time?’

In response to these requests, this page contains methods which are recommended as the most secure ways for you to continue to contribute as far as you are able to the Offertory and to benefit your parish.

Online Parish Offertory allows you to make a secure online donation to your Parish Offertory at any time.

A Standing Order (SO) is still the best and most cost-effective way to ensure your Parish benefits from whatever regular giving you can afford. This may be done by completion of a simple form, or via your own internet or telephone banking. You will need the bank details of your own parish, which most parishes already have on their pre-printed standing order forms. The SO forms are in most cases available on the parish website. If you have not already completed a Gift Aid form for your parish, you can do so online.

Text Giving is no longer operational from February 2023, owing to the provider no longer supporting this service. Thank you to all who contributed to parishes by text!


Across our Diocese, it is important that we maintain safe social contact – not just with family and friends, but with those in our Parish communities across the Diocesan Family who might be experiencing loneliness, anxiety, or actual need.

This is especially true of those who are not ‘online’, so staying in touch by telephone and by post where possible is crucial. Clergy and Curia are developing ideas of how to do this in parishes, too – whilst maintaining our compliance with Data Protection Regulations.

For those who do have access to a computer and the Internet, live-streaming of daily Mass and Devotions has now brought hundreds of thousands of us together in a ‘virtual congregation’. Most information will continue to be posted to this website:

We have been working with Parish Priests to facilitate provision of a parish website and/or (official and moderated) Parish Facebook page for those parishes which formerly had no such sources of information, advice and support.