The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

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The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

Faith as a Catholic Parent

The family, with its joys and sorrows, is celebrated throughout the Bible.

As Catholic parents, it is our responsibility to hand on the Faith to our children through teaching and example, offering practical support as well as love, encouragement as well as correction.

As families we also belong to the Diocesan Family in which we grow through our life of faith in our parishes and across the Diocese as a whole. This is why our life of prayer at home, our celebration of Sunday Mass, and our sharing in the life of our parish is so important.

As a Diocese, we are working together with families to create resources for Family Catechesis – to support parents in their family life, in teaching and guiding their children as they grown in faith.

The following book may be of interest:

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